
A browseable knowledge graph

Primary LanguageJavaScript

We will be using https://kg.opendatahub.bz.it/ as the base URI below. Replace it if necessary.


For testing purposes, you can add a host mapping if you are running on localhost: kg.opendatahub.bz.it

to /etc/hosts (on Linux) or C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts (on Windows).


The default setup provides a plain HTTP service. In order to enable HTTPS, apply the docker-compose.override.https.yml by copying it to docker-compose.override.yml before running the services.

  1. Create an .env file and use it to configure the base URI as well as owner metadata. You can use .env_sample as a template.
  2. Run the services:
    docker-compose up --build
  3. Open https://kg.opendatahub.bz.it/

⚠️ The very first page load can take a while (or even result in 504 Bad Gateway) while RDF ontologies and XSLT stylesheets are being loaded into memory.

HTTP server's (which is the nginx service) port within the Docker network is 8080.


  • Base URI is configured in the .env file
  • OpenDataHub SPARQL endpoint is configured as
    • ENDPOINT build argument for the linkeddatahub service
    • ENDPOINT environment variable for the processor service

Reset datasets

Kill the services and remove volumes:

docker-compose down -v