
Secures Web API 2 using JWT (JsonWebToken) or your own implementation

Primary LanguageC#


Secure your Web API 2 using JWT (Json Web Token) or your own implementation. Basic Authorization is used for the token request and Bearer Authorization using a token for API requests. The project provides a token endpoint against which a user can authorize to get a token. Further requests to the api can then be made with the token. There is a built in authorization handler that validates this token for all requests made - it secures all api endpoints.

WebApiSecure is available via Nuget: install-package WebApiSecure

###Dependency Injection

WebApiSecure makes use of dependency injection using a Unity container which allows you to specify your own implementation for credential validation, token creation and validation. A default implementation using a JWT (Json Web Token) is provided in the form of 3 services:

  1. CredentialService
  2. TokenService
  3. ValidationService

#Getting started

  1. Open Package Manager Console and type: install-package WebApiSecure
  • After installation you will see UnityConfig.cs added below App_Start and a new Services folder with the 3 default implmentation services mentioned above:
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  1. Add reference to System.IdentityModel if needed.
  2. Modify CredentialService.cs
  • Add code to validate credential in the IsValidCredential method
  • Return an IClaim object in GetClaim based on the credentials. Basically, the claims associated with the credential
  • Change the parsing of the authorization header if needed. The default uses Base64 encoding.
  1. Modify TokenService.cs
  • Change the JWT token settings: issuer,audience and lifetime
  • Set your secret symmetric key to be used for signing the token in CreateSigningCredentials()
  1. Modify ValidationService.cs
  • Change the TokenValidationParameters and set your secret symmetric signing key
  1. Wire up the services in UnityConfig.cs
  • Set the allowed route to the token endpoint via parameter injection. This route will be ignored by the AuthHandler, so that users can make a request to the token endpoint.
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  1. Modify WebApiConfig.cs
  • Set the route to the token endpoint. WebApiSecure uses a TokenController that exposes to POST endpoints: PostSecure and Post. PostSecure should be used since it requires a secure SSL connection to submit the client credentials. For testing purposes the unsecure Post may be used.
  • Secure your api by enabling the AuthHandler by adding it as a MessageHandler
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#Test it Fire up Fiddler to test your secured API:

  1. Make a GET request. This should return HTTP status 400 - Bad Request, since no authorization header is present the request fails.
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  1. Make a POST request to the token endpoint to get a token. Set header: Authorization: Basic yourBase64Credentials. Copy the returned token.
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  1. Make a valid GET/POST request. Set header: Authorization: Bearer yourTokenString
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#Roll your own

###Interfaces to implement You can roll your own by implementing the following interfaces and then wiring your classes up in UnityConfig.cs:

  1. IClaim
  2. ITokenBuilder
  3. IValidateToken
  4. IValidateCredential