
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Nomad Deploy

A Python 3 script that renders Jinja template and schedules a new job on Nomad


Easy! Run:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel && twine upload dist/*

You have to be logged in and have the correct access right to nomad-deploy in pip.


Even easier:

pip install nomad-deploy

Now nomad-deploy command is available system-wide.


After installing nomad-deploy with pip, running it is easy

nomad-deploy --varFile variables.yml template.nomad

Available keys:

  • --var "FOO=BAR" - set variable value, can be specified more than once to set more variables
  • --varFile "variables.yml" - load variables from a Yaml file
  • --render - output resulting template to stdout
  • --dry - do not run the job, only test if resources can be allocated
  • --recursive - if you're using variables in the varFile, you can recursively re-render the template until there are no more substitutions you can make; this will break control statements in template file


To deploy ElasticSearch on your Nomad cluster, try the available examples:

nomad-deploy --varFile ./examples/vars.yml ./examples/template.nomad