To install dependencies run:

composer install npm install

Run migrations: php artisan migrate

To run application run: php artisan serve npm run dev

Setting up Ably:

Go to and create an account. There you should generate new API KEY which should be set in .env ABLY_API_KEY

To set up webhook and testing on local machine you should install ngrok

After installing run ngrok http 8000

On Ably dashboard navigate to Webhook and create new HTTP webhook. For event select Message on endpoint enter {ngrokUrl}/api/webhooks/ably and you are ready to chat.

Project consist by one page. For initial page you will see default Laravel page, where you can register or login which will then redirects you to chat page. To test locally you can authorize from incognito mode or different browsers.


  1. When another persons starts typing you get indication that someone is writing. Currently it supports for one user since it's only mvp
  2. Displaying messages from another user
  3. Storing messages in external database in our case Message table

To understand better project check following files:

For Frontend:


for Backend:

app/Providers/AblyServiceProvider.php app/Services/AblyService.php app/Http/Controllers/ChatController.php app/Http/Controllers/WebhookController.php