Team Members:
Student 1: Alexis Torres
Student 2: Esmeralda Osornio
Student 3: Miguel Bueno Nunez
Student 4: Edward Kyles

A project for Cmps 3500, in fall 2022, in which we will create a single script in python 
which will perform basic data exploration and data analysis
Our goal is to be able to handle a large data file inorder to answer questions such as these:

What was the month of the year in 2019 with most delays overall? And how many delays were recorded in that month?
What was the month of the year in 2019 with most delays overall? And how many delays were recorded in that day?
What airline carrier experience the most delays in January, July and December
What was the average plane age of all planes with delays operated by American Airlines inc.
How many planes were delayed for more than 15 minutes during days with "heavy snow" (Days when the inches of snow on ground were 15 or more) )?
What are the 5 Airports that had the most delays in 2019?