This is a custom NEXT 13 boilerplate that includes a setup for MUI & React Context.

Getting Started


Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev


Everything is standardized to Next JS with a few caveats:

  1. Styles are in the styles folder along with the MUI theme customizations for light and dark mode. The current theme state is stored as a user cookie, defaulted to dark
  2. A services folder exist for abstracting away API calls.
  3. A components folder exists for all abstracted components.
  4. A context folder exists for the global react Context that is set in the first client component loaded after a page load.

Pre commit hook

You can run npx husky install to install husky which should activate the pre-commit hook setup within .husky/pre-commit

More info on husky here


In old Next, we were able to provide and automatically set global state using pageProps passed through the _app.js file. In Next 13 we don't have that so the context has to be set at the top level client component per server route using the useEffect hook with the page's props.


You should be able to import this repo into Vercel and have it deploy automatically. Also make sure you update the Vercel env variables - for the NEXT_PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT_URL make sure you change it from localhost:3000 to whatever the production URL for your vercel instance is. For example,