
Port of EasyUO as a plugin for ClassicUO

Primary LanguageC#

Installation Instructions.

  1. Download the latest release bin.zip from the releases page.
  2. Extract the contents into your ClassicUO/data/plugins/ folder
  3. Edit your settings.json file to include CEasyUO
"plugins": [

This project is not yet complete or in a usable state for end users.

Really this will not work for you yet, This code is here simply incase someone wants to take over the project.

Script parsing is mostly all done, though a few bugs are probably still lurking when dealing with lots of nested if/else and subs. A few functions are hooked up, ie Event macro 17, 22, 13, 15 Most variables are hooked up.


Hook up remaining events/functions UI Improvments Script parser improvments.

Functionality Changes

#GUMPSERIAL and #GUMPTYPE #LGUMPBUTTON new variables for gumps.

Mobile Health bars do not show via #ContType, Use #LTARGETTYPE

New commands

Gump Handling

event gump wait {timeout}

Waits until timeout( default 10 seconds) or a gump appears

event gump last

Repeats the last gump input action

event gump button {index}

Responds to the current gump with the specified index

Context Menus

event contextmenu {serial} {index}

Triggers a context menu response at the specified zero based index on the specified serial

Depreceated commands



Depreceated Variables


#CONTPOSX #GUMPOSX replaces much of this functionality but GUMP handling should move to using the new events.

#CONTPOSY #GUMPOSY replaces much of this functionality but GUMP handling should move to using the new events.

#CONTSIZEX/Y have been replaced with #GUMPSIZEX/Y

These only update when a new gump opens, and do not update when you change focus in game.