This repository is an official implementation of the ICCV 2021 paper "Conditional DETR for Fast Training Convergence". (
- akshitac8Toronto
- Annbless
- annopackage
- ashawkeyPeking University
- billqxg
- BowieHsuAlibaba
- ChristophReich1996Technical University of Munich
- dbofseuofhustHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- EmreOzkoseHacettepe University
- eugenelawrence
- eugenesiowSingapore
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- KeikuIdein Inc. / Lightning AI Ambassador
- LiWentomngZhejiang University
- LovPe
- lzrobotsFudan University
- Minotaur-CNIME,CAS
- PeizeSunThe University of Hong Kong
- phalanx-hkJapan
- Play-in-bush
- qianyizhangbeijing
- rentainheIDEA
- roger1993Hong Kong
- RorschachChen
- ruiningTang
- SamuelYang1University of Science and Technology of China
- SherlockHolmes221
- simonJJJDAMO Academy
- sukjunhwangCarnegie Mellon University
- sun254667307
- txytjuYtech Kwai
- vealociaNew York University
- wangjingbo1219Shanghai AI LAB
- welleast
- xieenzeThe University of Hong Kong
- yu-changqianHuazhong University of Science and Technology