
Primary LanguageKotlin


This project contains a simple implementation of a Cronjob calculator that, given an input that contains a template with the info of the time where the job is going to be run and a specific time (normally th current time), it tells you when is the next time when the job is going to be run.

as examples, given 16:10 as Current Time:

  • 30 1 /bin/run_me_daily to 1:30 tomorrow - /bin/run_me_daily
  • 45 * /bin/run_me_hourly to 16:45 today - /bin/run_me_hourly
  • * * /bin/run_me_every_minute to 16:10 today - /bin/run_me_every_minute
  • * 19 /bin/run_me_sixty_times to 19:00 today - /bin/run_me_sixty_times
  • 30 17 /bin/run_me_daily to 17:30 today - /bin/run_me_daily
  • 9 * /bin/run_me_hourly to 17:09 today - /bin/run_me_hourly
  • * 15 /bin/run_me_sixty_times to 15:00 tomorrow - /bin/run_me_sixty_times


As this is a simple exercise we created a super lightwaight architecture where all the features have been segregated in usecase inside a module package called: com.m2f.cronAnalyzer.module In a real world scenariop this would be an independent module provided to the program and isolated completely but for simplicity we put everything in a same module divided by packages.


The module package contains all the business logic and the structure is as follows:



Contains all the related domain objects for the program like:

  • CronJob
  • Time
  • Command


Exposes a withDependencies DSL that exposes the needed usecases as implicit receivers for the execution of the program


Contains all the usecases for the correct implementation fo the feature:

  • CalculateNextTimeUseCase.kt
  • GetInputFromConsolePipeUseCase.kt
  • ParseCommandUseCase.kt
  • ParseCronJobUseCase.kt
  • ParseTimeUseCase.kt

It also contains the domain errors that all usecase can throw


It contains a Result object. Representation of a response for a usecase that can be either Sucess or Failure

If you see in the code explicit casts like as Sucess or as Failure is because the implementation of the kotlin contracts is still experimental and some times does not automatically casts to the specific type.


There are tests for:

  • CalculateNextTimeUseCaseTest
  • ParseCommandUseCaseTest
  • ParseTimeUseCaseTest



download the file, and unzip it. To execute the jar file go to the comand line and tipe:

cat <youtTestSuit.txt> | java -jar cron.jar currentTime

As an example: cat commands.txt | java -jar cron.jar 16:10