
A full-stack web application built using Vue.js for the frontend, Express.js for the backend, and PostgreSQL as the database. This project showcases the integration of modern web technologies to create a robust task management system.

Primary LanguageVue


A full-stack web application built using Vue.js for the frontend, Express.js for the backend, and PostgreSQL as the database. This project showcases the integration of modern web technologies to create a robust task management system.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Vue.js 3 with Composition API, Vuetify for UI components, and Axios for HTTP requests.
  • Backend: Express.js with TypeScript for enhanced type safety and better developer experience.
  • Database: PostgreSQL, a powerful, open-source object-relational database system.



  1. Task Management: Users can create, read, update, and delete tasks.
  2. Reactive UI: Leveraging Vue's Composition API for reactive state management.
  3. Validation: Implemented basic form validation to ensure data integrity.
  4. Modular Components: UI is broken down into reusable Vue components.


  1. RESTful API: Designed endpoints following REST principles for CRUD operations.
  2. Type Safety: Utilized TypeScript to ensure type safety and improve code quality.
  3. Database Integration: Used pg-promise for seamless integration with PostgreSQL.
  4. Error Handling: Robust error handling mechanisms in place to handle potential issues.
  5. CORS: Integrated restify-cors-middleware2 to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, allowing for frontend-backend communication.


  1. Schema Design: Created a tasks table with fields for id, title, and description.
  2. CRUD Operations: Implemented SQL queries for creating, reading, updating, and deleting tasks.

Challenges & Solutions

  1. CORS Issues: Encountered CORS policy issues when trying to connect the frontend to the backend. Resolved by integrating CORS middleware in the Express server.
  2. Data Flow: Ensured seamless data flow between components using Vue's props and events system.
  3. Database Integration: Set up a connection pool for efficient querying and handled potential database errors gracefully.

Future Enhancements

  1. Authentication: Implement user authentication and authorization for added security.
  2. Pagination: Add pagination to handle a large number of tasks.
  3. Search & Filter: Implement task search and filter functionalities.