
I have been fascinated a long time by lisps such as clojure so I decided to make my own lisp. This lisp is called Atticus Lisp, and is designed to be a simple lisp. This language is not done yet, and it is still in development.


The syntax of Atticus Lisp is designed to be very simple

Example programs

Addition in Atticus Lisp

(+ a b
    (compile "(a,b)=> a+b"))

(succ a (+ a 1))

(main (succ 1))

Note that the "main" function is called.

Fibonnaci in Atticus Lisp

(= x y (compile "(x,y)=>Number(x===y)"))
(+ a b (compile "(a,b)=>a+b"))
(- p q (compile "(p,q)=>p-q"))

(if c y n (compile "(c,y,n)=> c ? y : n"))

(fib n 
        (= n 1) 1
                (- n 2))
                (- n 1)))))

(main (fib 10))


  • expand the standard library
  • fix lazy evaluation to avoid infinite loops
  • add symbols so I can implement booleans so I can implement lazy if


To run the test suite, do yarn run test To run the compiler, do yarn run run