
proving some theorems about number rings directly from the axioms

Primary LanguageLean


We wrote up some of the proofs from our number theory course in lean. Next Milestone: Proving Bezout's Lemma. Stretch Goal: Proving Unique Factorization on integers.

Commutative Rings Axioms

  • (commutative addition) a+b=b+a
  • (commutative multiplication) ab=ba
  • (associative addition) a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c
  • (associative multiplication) a(bc)= (ab)c
  • (zero) a+0=a
  • (negatives) a+(-a) = 0
  • (one) a(1) = a

Ordered Ring Axioms

  • There is a nonempty subset of the ring, which we will call P, representing numbers that are positive
  • P is implemented in lean as the proposition is_positive
  • (closed multiplication) if a is an element of P and b is an element of P then a * b is an element of P
  • (closed addition) if a is an element of P and b is an element of P then a + b is an element of P
  • (nontriviality) 0 is not an element of P
  • (trichotomy) For every element of the ring, it is in P, or it is zero, or its inverse is in P


  • (less than) a < b is defined to mean that there exists a positive number p such that b = a + p

Well Ordering Principle

  • Every nonempty subset of the postive integers has a minimal element
  • In lean this is implemented with propositions:
  • For every proposition on the integers that holds on at least one positive integer, there is a positive integer for which the proposition holds, such that it is less than or equal to every other integer for which the proposition holds.
  • This formalization of the Well Ordering Principle is very unwieldy to use in lean, but we formalized it this way to maintain consistency with our number theory class.