This is a discord bot that interfaces with the game conflict of nations


  • help - gives a list of possible commands
  • ping - The ping command. Tests server lag
  • game - get a game based on properties like starttime
  • player - get the stats on a player by username
  • info - gives info on a secpfic command
  • active - see when a player last logged on
  • country - get info on a country
  • alliance - get the stats on a alliance by username
  • list_games - get a list of games based on properties like starttime
  • invite - invite this bot to your server
  • game_players - see which players have joined a game
  • unit - get info on a unit
  • video - get a video based on a keyword
  • alert-me - get reminded when the next game of con starts
  • building - get info on a building The prefix is !con .


the invite link is