
Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Quiz

This quiz is designed to test your familiarity with basic React components. Do not use redux, use React's built in state and setState.


  1. Use standard lab process: fork this repo and clone locally.
  2. Make an initial commit when you start your work
  3. You have 45 minutes to complete what you can.
  4. You must complete this work on your own within the allotted time
    • You need to manage your time to have PR and last commit before deadline (remember, you can open PR and push your commits frequently).
  5. You may use normal resources that a software developer uses on the job (docs, google, your prior work)
  6. Working webpack react build system is included (remember to npm i after cloning your forked repo!)
  7. You may install npm packages of your choosing, though probably not needed
  8. Use general best practices and common sense
    • Highly recommended to implement what is needed, no more no less
    • Blind boilerplate or copying in code will not be helpful and will likely create more work
    • Focus effort on requirements of the lab
  9. Total possible points are 70. You will be graded out of 50 points

Submission requirement

  • Do a fork and PR like a normal lab
  • Read the requirements more than once, it will save you a ton of time

Base Requirements

Build an app that displays a list of pokemon and allows a user to choose a favorite.

Load the data

Notice there is a file pokedex.js that exports an array of pokemon, and in App this is imported and set as the initial state.


Provide prop-type validation for all components that receive props

Use the following component structure:

  +- Pokedex
      +- [Pokemon]


  • Top level App component.
  • Owns state for pokedex and favorite
  • Displays image and name of user's favorite pokemon, or "Select a favorite pokemon" if no favorite has been selected
  • Displays child component Pokedex, passing pokedex and an onSelect callback function that will update favorite with the selected pokemon


  • Receives two props
    • pokedex (array of pokemon)
    • onSelect (callback function)
  • Creates a list with a Pokemon component for each pokemon


  • Receives two props
    • pokemon (pokemon to display)
    • onSelect (callback function to indicate this is the favorite)
  • Displays pokemon name, image, type 1, type 2, attack, and defense.
  • Use at least two of the color properties in the styles (for example, background and text color).
  • Register a click handler that calls the onSelect callback.