TFM Blog

This project AIMs to be a realtime blogging system that is super minimal and clean backed by firebase.

The solution is prebuilt, so all you have to do is follow the instruction to connect the web-app to firebase (using .env files), run npm build and you are ready to go.

You can fork/clone/explore the code freely.

Features -

  • Firebase Authentication.
  • Serverless.
  • Markdown based.
  • Firestore for database.
  • Cloudinary for CDN (Optional).
  • Realtime updates.
  • Minimal sleek UI.

Installation and setup -

Exploring the solution -

Pending points -

  • Add toast notification on successful logout.
  • Add delete functionality for blog post.

Future Features -

  • Add Categories
  • Add Priority
  • Add publish/unpublished option


Shubham Singh Chahar