
Values, that I think are important.


Great atmosphere,

Be nice, and have fun with coding and learning. Teach when you know more, learn when you know less. This might be the most important item.

Blameless culture.

Don’t blame people blame processes. Mistakes happen to everyone. Culture in the team should allow for team members to take blame without repercussion. After a postmoterm, steps should be taken for making sure it won’t happen again. Great learning, and feedback moment for the team.

Just deliver, Deadline is a deadline,

If your stuck or won’t make deadline share it immediately with the team, Part two part when technical discussion arises, The team member implementing it, should be given some time to prove the other party wrong.

Good enough is good enough,

An okay solution can always become better. The perfect solution will always be out of reach.

Fail Fast,

Try to share work/progress at stages, begin early as possible. To get feedback and tips.

Uniform tools.

In order to reduce complexity, use the same tools, libs or technologies.

Purpose build.

Build a cheetah or a falcon, not ducks (purpose build beats general), Duck can do almost everything, walk, run, swim, dive, fly. But they can’t do any of those things particularly well. A tool that is focused on one problem, will outperform gerneral tool. Unix was build with these principals.

Be professional

Be able to work new items or ask for tasks when no new tasks has been assigned to you, With other words be able to work independently. Take responsibility for tasks you have been part of. Mistakes happen take responsibility and share what happened.

Simple is better then complex, complex is better then complicated:

There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. C._A._R._Hoare