Redhat oVirt/RHEV API
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This Project contains the following Blueprints.
Export oVirt VMs to OVA to Local Mount
Export oVirt VMs to OVA to SSH Storage
Kickstart CentOS82+oVirt
oVirt Recreate Virtual Machine
KS oVirt Delete VM - Group
Name | Type | Script Reference | Comment |
Attune OS Build Server | Linux/Unix Node | attuneosbuildserver |
This variable is used in the "Kickstart" build procedures, so the "Attune Server" can be used to build Attune servers. |
Backup Rotate Keep Days | Text | backuprotatekeepdays |
A space separated list of numbers, representing the age of backups to keep in days. Example: 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 One newest backup for today is always kept. |
KS Linux: Disk First Letter | Text | kslinuxdiskfirstletter |
The first letter of the disk in Linux, EG, sda or xda |
KS VMWare: Attune Base Dir | Text | ksvmwareattunebasedir |
Linux: Attune User | Linux/Unix Credential | linuxattuneuser |
Linux: Root User | Linux/Unix Credential | linuxrootuser |
Max Concurrent OVA Exports | Text | maxconcurrentovaexports |
OVA Backup Path | Text | ovabackuppath |
The local path where the OVA will end up. |
OVA Export Path | Text | ovaexportpath |
A temporary location where the OVA will be exported to and then 7zipped |
oVirt: Cluster Name | Text | ovirtclustername |
oVirt: CPU Count | Text | ovirtcpucount |
oVirt: Destination Host | Linux/Unix Node | ovirtdestinationhost |
Destination oVirt host to copy the 7zipped OVAs to. |
oVirt: Disk Interface | Text | ovirtdiskinterface |
SATA or IDE required for Windows VIRTIO_SCSI for windows after driver install VIRTIO for Linux |
oVirt: Disk Storage Name | Text | ovirtdiskstoragename |
oVirt: Engine API User | Basic Credential | ovirtengineapiuser |
oVirt: Engine Server | Basic Node | ovirtengineserver |
ovirt: Engine Server Node | Linux/Unix Node | ovirtengineservernode |
oVirt: Host Server | Linux/Unix Node | ovirthostserver |
oVirt: Host SSH User | Linux/Unix Credential | ovirthostsshuser |
oVirt: Memory Size | Text | ovirtmemorysize |
oVirt: Network Name | Text | ovirtnetworkname |
oVirt: NIC Interface | Text | ovirtnicinterface |
E1000 for Windows VIRTIO for Linux |
oVirt: TimeZone | Text | ovirttimezone |
oVirt: Unique File Name | Text | ovirtuniquefilename |
A unique filename to write the VMs found to snapshot. This is in the folder "/home/attune/tmp/". Making this unique for each job means we can run multiple snapshot jobs at the same time. |
oVirt: VM Search String | Text | ovirtvmsearchstring |
Matches for the VM name. Use * for the match any character any number of times wildcard. Examples: 1. For an exact match use the exact name of the VM: "". 2. To match all VM names starting with "ko1vs" use the search string with the wildcard "ko1vs*". This parameter supports a comma separated list of search strings |
Target Server | Basic Node | targetserver |
Target Server: Lin | Linux/Unix Node | targetserverlin |
The target server is a generic placeholder, usually used for the server a script will run on. For example, the server being built if the procedure is building a server. |
Target Server: Linux TimeZone | Text | targetserverlinuxtimezone |
Target Subnet | Network IPv4 Subnet | targetsubnet |
KS: Attune Base Dir | Text | ksattunebasedir |
Kickstart Worker Linux Node | Linux/Unix Node | kickstartworkerlinuxnode |
Linux refers to both Linux and MacOS |
oVirt: VM Description | Text | ovirtvmdescription |
Input to the description text field in the vm struct |
oVirt: Bios Type | Text | ovirtbiostype |
Valid Values are (they must be in all capitals): 1. CLUSTER_DEFAULT - Use the cluster-wide default. 2. I440FX_SEA_BIOS - i440fx chipset with SeaBIOS. 3. Q35_OVMF - q35 chipset with OVMF (UEFI) BIOS. 4. Q35_SEA_BIOS - q35 chipset with SeaBIOS. 5. Q35_SECURE_BOOT- q35 chipset with OVMF (UEFI) BIOS with SecureBoot enabled. |
oVirt: VM Comment | Text | ovirtvmcomment |
Input to the comment text field in the vm struct |
Kickstarted Node | Basic Node | kickstartednode |
oVirt: Datacenter Name | Text | ovirtdatacentername |
Kickstart Worker Build Linux User | Linux/Unix Credential | kickstartworkerbuildlinuxuser |
Name | Type | Comment |
CentOS8 Kickstart DVD Config | Version Controlled Files | |
CentOS Minimal DVD v8.2 (2004) | Large Archives | |
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