
General MiniMax Framework

Primary LanguagePython


Basic MiniMax Framework to solve any simple board game

Function Parameters

Parameters Description Type
state State to evaluate on n-Dimensional List
max_depth Max depth of search tree integer
is_maximizing If the current player is maximizing or not boolean
heuristic Heuristic function that returns value of the state func(state) -> integer / float
is_terminal Function that returns if the the state is a terminal state of not func(state) -> boolean
get_next_states Function that returns a list of all possible next states func(state) -> list :: [state]


from minimax.minimax import MiniMax

# Define the heuristic, is_terminal and get_next_state functions in your driver code

# TicTacToe Example

board = [['O', '', ''], ['', 'X', ''], ['X', '', '']]
max_depth = 3

minimax = MiniMax()

best_move, best_value = minimax.solve(board, max_depth, False, heuristic, is_terminal, get_next_states)
