
Moving Beyond Fixed Cameras and Top-Grasps for Grasp Quality Prediction

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VGQ-CNN: Moving Beyond Fixed Cameras and Top-Grasps for Grasp Quality Prediction

We present the Versatile Grasp Quality Convolutional Neural Network (VGQ-CNN), a grasp quality prediction network for 6-DOF grasps. VGQ-CNN can be used when evaluating grasps for objects seen from a wide range of camera poses or mobile robots without the need to retrain the network. By defining the grasp orientation explicitly as an input to the network, VGQ-CNN can evaluate 6-DOF grasp poses, moving beyond the 4-DOF grasps used in most image-based grasp evaluation methods like GQ-CNN. We train VGQ-CNN on our new Versatile Grasp dataset (VG-dset), containing 6-DOF grasps observed from a wide range of camera poses. VGQ-CNN achieves a balanced accuracy of 82.1% on our test-split while generalising to a variety of camera poses. Meanwhile, it achieves competitive performance for overhead cameras and top-grasps with a balanced accuracy of 74.2% compared to GQ-CNN's 76.6%. We also propose a modified network architecture, Fast-VGQ-CNN, that speeds up inference using a shared encoder architecture and can make 128 grasp quality predictions in 12ms on a CPU.

This codebase and our data is made available for other researchers to use and build upon. We describe the use of the scripts and how to replicate our datasets and training processes below.

Usage of the code base

To use the codebase, you will need three main directories, $DATA_DIR, $RESULT_DIR and $SCRIPT_DIR. While $SCRIPT_DIR is the directory of this code (e.g. ~/grasping/vgq-cnn/), you can choose $DATA_DIR and $RESULT_DIR freely (e.g. ~/grasping/data/ and ~/grasping/results/) After downloading the data, it is stored in $DATA_DIR, the results will be stored in $RESULT_DIR.

All code is run from $SCRIPT_DIR. The code available here can easiest be executed using a docker image with nvidia gpu support. To build the docker image, use the bash script build_docker.sh. To run the docker file, adjust $DATA_DIR and $RESULT_DIR in run_docker.sh and run it. $DATA_DIR will be mounted to /data/ and $RESULT_DIR will be mounted to /results/ in the docker container.

Train and analyse a network

In order to train vgq-cnn, run

python3 tools/train.py /data/vg_dset_kappa_0_Trainingset --name $YOUR_MODEL_NAME

To analyse vgq-cnn on vg_dset, run

python3 tools/analysis.py $YOUR_MODEL_NAME /data/vg_dset_kappa_0_Testset/tensors/

The analysis will be stored in $RESULTS/$YOUR_MODEL_NAME_on_vg_dset_kappa_0_Testset/.

Preparing a dataset

If you want to change the dataset composition and the sampling strategies, described in chapter VI.B. in our paper, you can modify and use our scripts in tools/dataset_preparation/. The complete, undersampled version of VG-dset is available as a zip file for download on zenodo. Unpack it into $DATA_DIR and run/modify the following scripts for your usecase.

  • Use undersample_psi.py to remove grasps with a high psi angle from the dataset
  • Use undersample_beta_positivity.py to undersample a dataset for stable positivity rate among beta (grasp approach axis vs. table normal).
  • Use undersample_phi.py to undersample a dataset for a stable number of grasps over phi (camera elevation angle).
  • Use undersample_beta.py to undersample a dataset for a stable number of grasps over beta.
  • Use apply_random_crop_on_dset.py to crop 300x300 images before training/testing. Kappa can be modified in the script for fast-vgq-cnn.
  • Use apply_dexnet_crop_on_dset.py to crop 300x300 images before training/testing. Centres, rotates and crops the images.
  • Use create_objectwise_split.py to create an object-wise split between the train/validation and test data


This publication has emanated from research supported in part by Grants from Science Foundation Ireland under Grant numbers 18/CRT/6049 and 16/RI/3399. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Science Foundation Ireland.

This code is based on Berkeley AUTOLAB's GQCNN package, available at github.

If you use the code, datasets, or models in a publication, please cite:

A. Konrad, J. McDonald and R. Villing, "VGQ-CNN: Moving beyond fixed cameras and top-grasps for grasp quality prediction," to appear in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2022.

along with

J. Mahler, J. Liang, S. Niyaz, M. Laskey, R. Doan, X. Liu, J. A. Ojea, and K. Goldberg, “Dex-net 2.0: Deep learning to plan robust grasps with synthetic point clouds and analytic grasp metrics,” in Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2017.


If you're having questions about our project, please contact Anna Konrad, Prof. John McDonald or Dr. Rudi Villing.