
Build modern workflows with AWS MWAA, AWS Step Functions, AWS Glue, and AWS EMR

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build workflows with AWS MWAA, AWS Step Functions, AWS Glue, and AWS EMR

A Quick Lingo Breakdown


MWAA = Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow

Benefits of AWS MWAA


AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions is an orchestrator which helps to design and implement the complex workflows. When we need to build a workflow, or have multiple tasks that need orchestration, Step Functions coordinates between those tasks. This makes it simple to build multi-step systems.

Step Functions is built on two main concepts Tasks and State Machine.

All work in the state machine is done by tasks. A task performs work by using an activity or an AWS Lambda function, or passing parameters to the API actions of other services.

AWS Step Functions Docs

AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a relatively new fully managed serverless Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) service that has enormous potential for teams across enterprise organizations, from engineering to data to analytics. Glue combines the speed and power of Apache Spark with the lightweight data organization of Hive metastores to — you guessed it — glue together disparate data sources from across AWS.

Feel free to check out the AWS docs to learn more about AWS Glue.


EMR = Elastic MapReduce

My EMR Docs

Code repo structure

├── README.MD                   <-- The instructions file
├── dags/mwaalib                <-- Reusable code for Amazon EMR and AWS Step Functions
├── setup                       <-- Source code for initial setup
│   └── transform/              <-- Pre processing pyspark code and resuable code.     
│   └── template.yaml           <-- Template for basic application setup
│   └── deploy.sh               <-- Deploy Script 


  • AWS CLI already configured with Administrator permission




  1. AWS Account - Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login.

  2. Amazon Managed Workflow for Apache Airflow environment in supported region.Create environment if you do not have one. Note us-west-2 is selected. Change the region, if required.

  3. IAM permissions for the MWAA Execution role for S3 ,EMR, Step Functions and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

    iam:PassRole on EMR_DEFAULT_ROLE
    iam:PassRole on EMR_EC2_ROLE

A sample Policy is provided as an example. Verify and edit the Account Number to your AWS Account Number. Create and Attach the Policy to the Amazon MWAA execution role.

Refer to this link for Adding and removing IAM identity permissions.

A sample role yaml is also provided if you do not have EMR_DEFAULT_ROLE and EMR_EC2_ROLE already created. Run the Cloudformation template to create EMR Roles

Installation Instructions

  1. Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login.

  2. Clone the repo onto your local development machine using git clone.

  3. From the command line, change directory into the setup folder, then run:

    ./deploy.sh -s <MWAA Airflow Dag Bucket Name> -d <Demo Data Bucket Name>

    Replace <MWAA Airflow Dag Bucket Name> with the MWAA Airflow S3 Bucket

    Replace <Demo Data Bucket Name> with any bucket you want to use.

    Modify the stack-name or bucket parameters as needed. Wait for the stack to complete.

  4. Wait for the script to complete. You should see the following logs.

    Waiting for stack update to complete ...
    Finished create/update successfully!
    upload: ./movielens_glue_transform.py to s3://mwaa-dl-demo-us-east-1/scripts/glue_jobs/movielens/movielens_glue_transform.py
    upload: transform/preprocess_movies.py to s3://mwaa-dl-demo-us-east-1/scripts/preprocess_movies.py
    upload: transform/preprocess_tags.py to s3://mwaa-dl-demo-us-east-1/scripts/preprocess_tags.py
    upload: transform/preprocess_ratings.py to s3://mwaa-dl-demo-us-east-1/scripts/preprocess_ratings.py

Post Installation Checks

  1. Verify the resources created by the Cloudformation template.
  2. Verify that Amazon MWAA execution role has additional policy attached.
  3. The deploy script creates a Glue Database and 2 crawlers. If you have Lakeformation enabled, please make sure to add the LF database grant to the crawler.

AWS resources :

Following stacks are created by the above process

  1. mwaa-demo-foundations - Contains the foundational resources and services
    • Glue Database - mwaa-movielens-demo-db
    • Glue Crawlers - Crawlers to catalog the data.
    • Lambda Functions - To invoke Glue jobs and check status from Step Functions
    • LambdaRole - Lambda role for Step1 and Step2
    • SSM Parameters - SSM parameters for resources to be used by all services.
    • Step Functions - Movie Lens Step function

AWS resources created based on DAG Run:

  1. EMR Cluster