
A note-taking application that supports Markdown, LaTeX and more. MarkdownNotes.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Markdown Notes

This is the official repository for Markdown Notes.

##Application overview

Markdown Notes is a note-taking application that uses Markdown and LaTeX. You can see the application on the Markdown Notes website.

##Architecture overview

Markdown Notes is a Django application with an AngularJS front-end.

The back-end consists of a simple Tastypie API to serve the notes and a bunch of simple Django views to handle the front page and user management. File uploads are stored on Amazon S3.

The front-end consists of an AngularJS app that binds various libraries together. The front-end code can be found in /frontend.

##Setting up the project

  1. Install all requirements with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Install the external libraries with bower install
  3. Rename markdown_notes/local_settings.py.template and update it with your own settings. Some values in settings.py need to be set in environment variables.
  4. Collect the static files with python manage.py collectstatic. When DEBUG = False, you will also need to call python manage.py compress.
  5. Create the database with python manage.py migrate.
  6. Run the server with python manage.py runserver.

###Deployment tools

A crude tool for automatic deployments is available. Install forever (npm install -g forever) and run forever start webhooks.js to have the server redeploy every time there is activity on the GitHub repo.

deploy.sh will pull code from the git repository, sync the database, collect static files and minimize them before restarting the server. It is used by webhooks.js, but can also be called manually.


You can also build your own docker image:

  1. Rename markdown_notes/local_settings.py.template and update it with your own settings. Some values in settings.py need to be set in environment variables.
  2. Run docker build -t markdown-notes .
  3. Run docker -p 8000:80 -d markdown-notes
  4. Open your browser at localhost:8000

##Get involved

You can contribute to Markdown Notes by looking at the submitted issues and sending pull requests with your fixes.