
text adventure game

Primary LanguagePython


text adventure game for Python 3

Basically this was a game for me to learn python. It is my first code I have written in python. As you can see from the first couple of code commits, I like to re-invent the wheel (note the 5 nested if statements) This game is pretty much done, all it needs is more rooms, monsters, and objects.

You currently have equipped the master sword and shield...make sure you delete that if you want to play a real game, and make sure that you give yourself some sort of weapon and shield to start.

To add an object, just put it in the class for either common or uncommon and then make sure you give it the uid that is not being used by any other item in that group.


Any more automated parts, like automatically assigning the uid for items. I was thinking that you could just write a definition that counted the list, then made a list of numbers from that range. Then did random.choice from that list and assigned it in a for loop to each item.

Typing that makes me want to do that now, but really, I just want to make this template as user friendly as possible so you can just make it your own VERY fast.

Maybe if there was a way to get just 1000 random objects would be awesome, because it gets tiring trying to right all of them

anyways, I hope you like it so far if you have tried it. Thanks!