
Simple Inventory Hotkeys - is a simple autohotkey based program that enables you to customize your keys, which is usefull for inventory, messages, customkeys and other needed stuff in WarCraft III and Dota.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Official Website: http://sih.auct.eu/

Simple Inventory Hotkeys - is a simple autohotkey based program that enables you to customize your keys, which is usefull for inventory, messages, customkeys and other needed stuff in WarCraft III and Dota.

If you need more powerfull hotkeys try AucT Hotkeys Tool

NOTE: Windows only!
NOTE: autocast and scoreboard would not work in window mode

Fast Start:

  1. Download SIH
  2. Unzip
  3. Run


  • Hotkeyfull - any hotkey is available
  • Shift+ support - Shift orders will work
  • Chat-free - doesn't conflict with chat
  • Multiline Messages - support multiliness
  • Free - no payment nor ads
  • Small - the tool size is less 250Kb
  • Fast - the hotkeys are setted as far as possible
  • Furious - usese a little memory
  • Usefull - includes only the most needed functions



Simply remaps items. Shift order support and chat free.


  • Shield Left Win
  • Disables left Window key
  • Function group
  • Makes your F2, F3, F4 keys work as 8, 9, 0 key accordancely. Very helpfull for making groups.
  • Learn (O)
  • Remaps selected key to Hero Abilities. If you had miss press that key it will close learning tab (only for hotkeys with length >1 like capslock, tab, alt+g, etc)
  • Hold (H)
  • Simply remaps selected key to Hold
  • Show Scoreboard
  • Shows/hides scoreboard. In window mode won't work.
  • Autocast
  • Autocasts any skill (except Morph agi). Doesn't work in window mode.
  • Clip Cursor (in the tray)
  • Clip Cursor - captures mouse. Usefull for window-mode users.


Sends up to 20 multiline messages.

Default Keys

  • Alt+[ - Show ally hp bar
  • Alt+] - Show enemy hp bar
  • Alt+P - Pause game
  • Home - Pause script (can be changed in SIH.ini)
  • Alt+J - Garena autojoiner. Hover your mouse on desired room. Press Alt+J. When it enter the room press again Alt+J to deactivate it.

Default Hotstrings

  • -1x1 will type -apshomnp
  • -pvp will type -apshomnp
  • -r will type -roll
  • -u will type -unlock
  • -c will type -clear
  • /setsb - set custom position of scoreboard
  • /unsetsb - delete custom position of scoreboard
  • /reload - reloads app