
Eixir FTP Wrapper

Primary LanguageElixir


A Simple FTP Client based on :inets


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding eftp to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:eftp, github: "audian/eftp"}]

To authenticate and download the file example.csv

Eftp.connect("ftp.example.net", "21")
|> Eftp.authenticate("foo", "bar")
|> Eftp.fetch("example.csv", "/tmp")

To authenticate and download a list of files example.csv, users.csv

Eftp.connect("ftp.example.net", "21")
|> Eftp.authenticate("foo", "bar")
|> Eftp.fetch(["example.csv", "users.csv"], "/tmp")