
a project to send signals to an arduino/rasberry pi when a twitter hashtag has been detected

Primary LanguageJava


a project to send signals to an arduino/rasberry pi when twitter hashtags have been detected


HOW-TO set up the java project

  • open eclipse and create a new, empty project with a name you like ;-)

  • create a file called "twitter4j.properties" in the eclipse project directory, hit F5 in the "Project Explorer" and make sure you see the file listed

  • edit the file like this, use the keys from you twitter account:






  • right-click on your project name in the "Project Explorer" => "Build Path" => " Configure Build Path..."
  • go to the TAB "Libraries" click on [Add External JARs...] => [Browse...] and select the "java_code/lib/twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar"-file from this git-project
  • then right-click again on your project name in the "Project Explorer" => "Build Path" => " Configure Build Path..."
  • go to the TAB "Source" click on [Link Source...] => [Browse...] and select the "java_code/source"-folder from this git-project
  • right-click the project name again or got to the menu bar "Run", choose "Run as...", select "Java Application", choose "mainClass - batsignal", if needed and have a look at the "Console"-TAB of eplise.
  • done.
  • if you want the ouput of your code alone, set "debug=false" in the "twitter4j.properties"-file