
CakePHP Utility Plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePHP Icing Plugin

Build Status

Portable Package of Utilities for CakePHP


  • Php 5.4 or later
  • CakePHP 2.x


  • CsvHelper
  • CkeditorHelper
  • GoogleCalendarHelper
  • TwitterHelper
  • ShareHelper
  • TokeninputHelper
  • TypeheadHelper


  • FileUploadBehavior
  • VersionableBehavior
  • SummableBehavior
  • ThrottleableBehavior
  • EmailableBehavior


  • Throttle


  • ArraySource
  • Database/MysqlExtended


  • DatabaseCacheEngine - Cache Engine in your DB
  • AppTestCase - extend CakeTestCase
  • AppFastFixture - extend TableCopyTestFixture & AppTestFixture (fast & flexible records)
  • AppTestFixture - extend CakeTestFixture (flexible records)
  • Re
  • Pluck
  • Base62
  • PhpTidy
  • ElasticSearchRequest - interact with ElasticSearch (HttpSocket)


  • DoShell - run any Model.method from the command line
  • FixtureUpdateShell - update all your fixture's fields without touching records


Easily add share buttons without any javascript API added to your page, supprts googleplus, twitter, facebook, and pinterest. Options are url, text and image (not supported with every social network)

public $helpers = array('Icing.Share');

//some view.ctp
echo $this->Share->twitter(array(
	'text' => 'Check this out'
echo $this->Share->facebook();
echo $this->Share->pinterest(array(
	'image' => 'http://example.com/image.png',
	'text' => 'Awesome image'
echo $this->Share->googleplus(array(
	'url' => 'http://example.com'


Easily create and server CSV files.

//some view.ctp with $data of a model
foreach($data as $record){
	$row = array_values($record['Model']);
echo $this->Csv->render('filename.csv');


Easily add Ckeditors to your forms. Integrates with Ckfinder easily

echo $this->Ckeditor->replace('ContentBody', array('ckfinder' => true, 'forcePasteAsPlainText' => 'true'));


Build reminder links and quick add forms to intergrate with a logged in google calendar user.

public $helpers = array('Icing.GoogleCalendar' => array('domain' => 'audiologyholdings.com'));

$this->GoogleCalendar->reminder('small', array(
	'start' => 'Aug 15th, 2013 8:00pm',
	'end' => 'Aug 15th, 2013 9:00pm',
	'title' => 'Test Event',
	'details' => 'Details of Event',
	'location' => 'Albuquerque, NM',
	'add' => array('nurvzy@gmail.com', 'nick.baker@audiologyholdings.com')

$this->GoogleCalendar->quickForm('Add', array(
	'input' => array('label' => 'Quick Add'),
	'create' => array('id' => 'customID),
	'submit' => array('class' => 'someClass')


Build share, mention and hashtag buttons

$config = array(
	'Twitter' => array(
		'handle' => 'WebTechNick',
		'locale' => 'en',
		'buffer' => true,

public $helpers = array('Icing.Twitter' => array(
	'handle' => 'WebTechNick',
	'locale' => 'en',
	'buffer' => true,

<?php echo $this->Twitter->share(); ?>
<?php echo $this->Twitter->share('Tweet This!', '/pledge', array('text' => 'Take the hearing health pledge!')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Twitter->share('Tweet', array('action' => 'view'), array(
	'text' => 'Take the hearing health pledge!',
	'large' => true,
	'count' => 'none', //'horizontal' (default), 'vertical'
	'hashtags' => array('HashTag1','HashTagh2','HashTag3'),
	'related' => array('HearingAids','WebTechNick')
)); ?>



Create Config/file_upload.php based on app/Plugin/Icing/Config/file_upload.php.default

Attach to any model to handle uploads. Model attached needs name, type, and size fields (customizable)

var $actsAs = array('Icing.FileUpload');

var $actsAs = array(
	'Icing.FileUpload' => array(
		'uploadDir'    			=> WEB_ROOT . DS . 'files',
		'fields'       			=> array('name' => 'file_name', 'type' => 'file_type', 'size' => 'file_size'),
		'allowedTypes' 			=> array('pdf' => array('application/pdf')),
		'required'    			=> false,
		'unique' 						=> false //filenames will overwrite existing files of the same name. (default true)
		'fileNameFunction' 	=> 'sha1' //execute the Sha1 function on a filename before saving it (default false)

Use the built in helper to resize and cache on the fly

echo $this->FileUpload->image($image['Upload']['name'], 300); //will resize to 300 px wide and cache to webroot/files/resized by default


Attach to any model to creating versions of current state, on save, for later restoration.

  • When you save
  • We do a find (optionally with contain) to find this record's old/current (before save) data
  • We save the old data to a record in IcingVersion ** This means the IcingVersion.json is the old data, whatever existed before the save that created this version record

NOTE: IcingVersionable uses the AuthComponent to log the user doing the save, if it can.


Run the schema into your database to create icing_versions table

cake schema create -p Icing

You should see icing_versions in your database

Usage Examples

Bind to model you want to auto-version on save

Default Settings

	'contain'          => array(), //only version the current model
	'versions'         => false,   //unlimited versions
	'minor_timeframe'  => false,   //do not mark for minor versions
	'bind'             => false,   //don't bind versions on find
	'check_identical'  => false,   //does not check if this version is identical to last version
	'ignore_identical' => false,   //ignored since not checking
	'useDbConfig'      => null,    //if not set, we use the 'default' inherited from AppModel

public $actsAs = array('Icing.Versionable'); // uses default settings

public $actsAs = array('Icing.Versionable' => array(
	'contain'          => array('Hour'), //contains for relative model to be included in the version.
	'versions'         => '5',           //how many version to save at any given time (false by default unlimited)
	'minor_timeframe'  => '10',          //Mark all previous versions if saved within 10 seconds of current version.  Easily cleanup minor_versions
	'bind'             => true,         //if true, attach IcingVersionable as HasMany relationship for you onFind and if contained
	'check_identical'  => true,         //if true, version is marked as minor, if the data is identical to last version
	'ignore_identical' => true,         //if true, no version is created, if the data is identical to last version
	'useDbConfig'      => 'archive'     //optionally you can setup a custom config in app/Config/database.php (ignored when testing)

Restoring from a version

$this->Model->restoreVersion('50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a'); //restores version id 50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a
$this->Model->restoreVersion('50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a', false); //restores version id 50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a and won't create a new version before restoring.
$this->Model->restoreVersion(2, 3); //restores the second version back from most recent on Model id 3
$this->Model->restoreVersion(2, 3, false); //restores the second version back from most recent on Model id 3 and doesn't create a new version before saving

Diffs from a version

$result = $this->Model->diffVersion('50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a'); //Gets the diff between version id and the curent state of the record.
$result = $this->Model->diffVersion('50537471-ba08-44ae-a606-24e5e017215a', '501234121-ba08-44ae-a606-2asdf767a'); //Gets the diff between two different versions.

Save without creating a version

$this->Model->save($data, array('create_version' => false));

Pro Tip

IcingVersionable stores the "Old Data" (the "current value" of this record before it was saved) on your model, as $this->Model->getDataBeforeSave().

So if you want to do anything fancy in afterSave() with the old record (like compare to see what was changed) it is already there for you... (we had to find it to save the version anyway, might as well give you easy access to it)



Allows for an array dataset instead of sql database but can be assosiated with other model data with normal cakephp assosiations and finds.


var $array = array(
	'datasource' => 'Icing.ArraySource'

class ConsumerGuide extends AppModel {
	public $name = 'ConsumerGuide';
	public $useDbConfig = 'array';
	public $displayField = 'name';
	public $primaryKey = 'type';

	public $records = array(
			'type' => 'loved_one',
			'text' => "Do you have a loved one with hearing loss and don't know where to turn? Download our free guide, which will give you the information you need to help your family member or friend with hearing loss.",
			'path' => 'Free_Guide_-_Hearing_and_Your_Loved_Ones.pdf',
			'name' => 'Free Guide - Hearing and Your Loved Ones',
			'thumb' => 'hearing_and_your_loved_ones.png',

//Example Uses
$this->ConsumerGuide->find('all', array(
	'conditions' => array(
		'ConsumerGuide.type' => 'loved_one',
	'fields' => array('ConsumerGuide.text','ConsumerGuide.path'),
	'order' => array('ConsumerGuide.name ASC'),
	'limit' => 2,
$this->ConsumerGuide->field('path', array('ConsumerGuide.type' => 'loved_one'));


Do you ever get frustrated by not having more column types? Miss smallint perhaps, or want a longblob?

Change your app/Config/database.php

'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'datasource' => 'Icing.Database/MysqlExtended',

You now have available the following "new" types:

  • 'binary' => array('name' => 'binary'),
  • 'blob' => array('name' => 'blob'),
  • 'longblob' => array('name' => 'longblob'),
  • 'tinyint' => array('name' => 'tinyint', 'limit' => '3', 'formatter' => 'intval'),
  • 'smallint' => array('name' => 'smallint', 'limit' => '6', 'formatter' => 'intval'),
  • 'mediumint' => array('name' => 'mediumint', 'limit' => '8', 'formatter' => 'intval'),

These will work with all existing CakePHP schema tools, including CakeDC Migrations, both for generating new schema files and for creating/altering your database from schema files.


This is a convenience shortcut to functionality on the Throttle model. Basically it's a very clean and simple way to Throttle anything.

// setup in the model Behaviors all the time
public $actsAs = array('Icing.Throttleable');

// or load/attach the Behavior

// the default `throttle()` method prefixes the $key with the Model->alias
if (!$this->MyModel->throttle('someKey', 2, 3600)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('This method  on MyModel has been attempted more than 2 times in 1 hour... wait.');
// the `_throttle()` method does not modify $key at all, so it's the same regardless of how you access it
if (!$this->MyModel->_throttle('key-could-be-anywhere', 2, 3600)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('This key has been attempted (from somewhere) more than 2 times in 1 hour... wait.');



Simple throttling table/toolset

Common Usage:

App::uses('Throttle', 'Icing.Model');
if (!ClassRegistry::init('Icing.Throttle')->checkThenRecord('myUniqueKey', 2, 3600)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('This method has been attempted more than 2 times in 1 hour... wait.');
if (!ClassRegistry::init('Icing.Throttle')->checkThenRecord('myUniqueKey'.AuthComponent::user('id'), 1, 60)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('A Logged In User Account has attempted more than 1 time in 60 seconds... wait.');
if (!ClassRegistry::init('Icing.Throttle')->checkThenRecord('myUniqueKey'.env('REMOTE_ADDR'), 5, 86400)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('Your IP address has attempted more than 5 times in 1 day... wait.');
// you can use `limit()` or `checkThenRecord()` -- they are identical methods
if (!ClassRegistry::init('Icing.Throttle')->limit('myUniqueKeyAsLimitAlias', 2, 3600)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('This method has been attempted more than 2 times in 1 hour... wait.');

Also see ThrottleableBehavior:

if (!$this->MyModel->throttle('someKey', 2, 3600)) {
	throw new OutOfBoundsException('This method  on MyModel has been attempted more than 2 times in 1 hour... wait.');

Main Methods:

  • checkThenRecord() - shortcut to check, and then, record for a $key
  • limit() - alias to checkThenRecord()
  • check() - checks to see that there are no more than $allowed records for a $key
  • record() - saves a record for a $key (which will $expireInSec)
  • purge() - empties all expired records from table (automatically called on check())

Unit Tests:

./cake test Icing Model/Throttle



Database Cache Engine useful for using the Cache::read/write but usable across multiple servers.

DatabaseCacheEngine Install

Create database_caches table either using the MyISAM Engine (useful for ability to store large amounts of data)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `database_caches` (
	`key` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
	`value` text NOT NULL,
	`duration` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
	UNIQUE KEY `key` (`key`)

If you don't plan on storing anything more than 255 characters of json_encoded data, and you don't fear loosing all your caches if your database has to restart, you would benefit from using the MEMORY Engine instead.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `database_caches` (
	`key` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
	`value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
	`duration` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
	UNIQUE KEY `key` (`key`)

DatabaseCacheEngine Setup


Cache::config('database', array(
	'engine' => 'Icing.DatabaseCache',
	'duration' => '+1 day',

DatabaseCacheEngine Usage

Cache::write('somekey', 'somevalue', 'database');
Cache::read('somekey', 'database');


Easy way to load fixture automatically and in groups. Look at the file for more usage examples

App::uses('AppTestCase', 'Icing.Lib');
class WhateverTest extends AppTestCase {
  • assertArrayCompare - comapre all keys/values in array 1 with all matching keys and their values in array 2.
  • assertInArray - shortcut to assertTrue(in_array())
  • assertIsEmpty - shortcut to assertTrue(empty())
  • assertIsNotEmpty - shortcut to assertTrue(!empty())
  • assertKeyExists - shortcut to assertTrue(array_key_exists())
  • assertTimestamp - special test for timestamp within tolerance of expected timestamp [now]
  • assertValidationErrors - special test for validation errors
  • loadFixtureGroup - loads a Config'ed set of standard grouped fixtures

AppFastFixture & AppTestFixture

Fixtures suck.

Here's a couple of better classes using some of the best of other tools for making them easier and faster....


  • You are still going to put the fields and records onto the fixture
  • You make your App's Fixture extend AppFastFixture
  • You have a test config in app/Config/database.php
  • You have a test_seed config in app/Config/database.php it should NOT be the same as your production database it should NOT be the same as your test database it will be truncated and populated with fixture data


  • Will cleanup records to match fields (see AppTestFixture)
  • Will auto-populate the test_seed table on initial run
  • Will remove fields and records at runtime, so TableCopyTestFixture uses the built in, faster "copy from MySQL" functionality


A collection of tools to facilitate MUCH simpler setups for fixtures

  • records do not have to include all fields (empty values based on type)
  • records fields do not have to be in the correct order
  • records date and datetime fields support any strtotime() parseable value
  • all prep work done at time of __construct()


We use the excellent lorenzo/cakephp-fixturize Plugin to make your fixtures fast

  • it supports checksum to only re-insert records if the table has changed (huge!)
  • it supports create from and insert from a "seed" database (much faster)


Just extend with wither AppFastFixture or AppTestFixture (maintained for legacy support)

App::uses('AppFastFixture', 'Icing.Lib');
class UserFixture extends AppFastFixture {

	// OPTIONALY customize these default options
	$this->options = array(
		// fix records to have all the known fields, and only known fields
		'fix' => true,
		// reparse entered dates = date($format, strtotime($value))
		'dates' => true,
		// which db config should you use?
		//   this needs to be setup in app/Config/database.php
		//   set to false to disable
		'sourceConfig' => 'test_seed',
		// fixture name template, used for loading via FixtureManager
		//   sprintf($fixtureName, Inflector::underscore($this->name))
		//   default: sprintf("app.%s", "my_post")
		//   eg: app.my_post
		//   eg: plugin.foobar.foobar_comment
		'fixtureName' => 'app.%s',


This is a very simple utility library that comes in quite handy. View source and Unit Tests for more details.

App::uses('Re', 'Icing.Lib');
Re::arrayCSV('a,b,c') ~ Re::stringCSV(array('a', 'b', 'c'));
Re::isValid($data); // basically !empty() but allows 0 (by default)
Re::before($string, ',') == 'all of the string before the first comma';
Re::after($string, '.') == 'all of the string after the last period';

Re::pluck() DEPRECATED

The Re::pluck() Methods were based on Set::extract() and that has been deprecated in the CakePHP core. While I initially really liked the XPath syntax, there were several case where it caused more problems than it solved

Switch to Pluck::one() or one of the Pluck methods

[DEPRECATED] Re::pluckValid($data, array('/ModelA/field', '/ModelB/field', '/lastChance'), 'defaultValue'); // gets first valid result for various paths or default value
[DEPRECATED] Re::pluck($data, array('/ModelA/field', '/ModelB/field', '/lastChance'), 'defaultValue'); // same as pluckValid() but without the valid check
[DEPRECATED](bool) Re::pluckIsValid($data, array('/ModelA/field', '/ModelB/field', '/lastChance')); // same as pluckValid() and simply returns true/false


A simple wrapper for the Hash::extract() method, which encorporates the Hash::filter() method a bit too.

All of these methods require an array as the first argument

All of these methods accept multiple paths or as single path as the second argument (order matters)

All of these methods accept a filterCallback as the last argument ($default is third for one() and firstPathOrDefault())

  • false will not run Hash::filter() (important!, use this if you need empty/boolean results)
  • null will run Hash::filter($data) to remove all empties
  • otherwise will run Hash::filter($data, $filterCallback)
	Pluck::all() --> array()
		the only real benifit to this is, you can aggregate results from multiple paths
	Pluck::all($user, 'User.id') == array(123)
	Pluck::all($user, array('Bad.path', 'User.id', 'User.name')) == array(123, 'john doe')

	Pluck::firstPath() --> array()
		the first result which matches any path (in order) returns
		note: we do filter data first, so unless you disable filtering, it's the first non-empty result.
	Pluck::firstPath($user, 'User.id') == array(123)
	Pluck::firstPath($user, array('Bad.path', 'User.id', 'User.name')) == array(123)

	Pluck::firstPathOrDefault() --> array() or $default
		the output of Pluck::firstPath()
		if empty, we instead return a $default argument
	Pluck::firstPathOrDefault($user, 'Bad.path', 'default text') == 'default text'
	Pluck::firstPathOrDefault($user, 'Bad.path', array('default', 'array')) == array('default', 'array')

	Pluck::one() --> value {string or whatever} or $default
		the output of Pluck::firstPath()
		but we only return the "current" or first value...
		also, if empty, we instead return a $default argument
	Pluck::one($user, 'User.id') == 123
	Pluck::one($user, array('Bad.path', 'User.id', 'User.name')) == 123
	Pluck::one($user, 'Bad.path', 'non-user') == 'non-user'
		data = string/int/etc = passthrough
	Pluck::one('as_string@example.com', 'User.email', 'no email') == 'as_string@example.com'
	Pluck::one(0, 'User.email', 'no email') == '0'
		data = null or false or empty array or empty string = default
	Pluck::one(array(), 'User.email', 'no email') == 'no email'
	Pluck::one(null, 'User.email', 'no email') == 'no email'
	Pluck::one(false, 'User.email', 'no email') == 'no email'
	Pluck::one('', 'User.email', 'no email') == 'no email'

		the same as Pluck::one() but $filterCallback=false, allowing empties

		the same as (!empty(Pluck::all()))

If you find yourself doing: current(Hash::extract($data, 'User.id')) then checkout Pluck::one($data, 'User.id')

Likewise, use that with multiple paths and return the first valid value we find at any of those paths.

Here's a pretty decent use case for this Lib:

$user_id = Pluck::one($userOrId, array('User.id', 'Account.user_id', 'user_id', 'id'), 'guest');

This will return $userOrId if it is a valid ID (a non-array, not empty)

Or if $serOrId is an array, it will return the first valid result from any of the paths offerd (left = first/priority).

If no valid paths found, returns the default which is set to 'guest' (if not specific it is null).


Transform any (large) int into Base62, useful for short URLs - see Unit Tests for examples

App::uses('Base62', 'Icing.Lib');
Base62::encode(1234567890) == '1ly7vk';


This Lib will allow you to easily "tidy" or "beautify" files or inline code, to CakePHP standards/conventions. The "engine" for it is currently PhpTidy (though we may switch to code sniffer or something).

Convenience wrapper for phptidy.php script in app/Plugin/Icing/Vendor/phptidy.php


App::uses('PhpTidy', 'Icing.Lib');
$formatted = PhpTidy::string($unformattedPhpCode);
// or //
PhpTidy::string(APP . 'path/to/php-file.php');


This is an extension of the HttpSocket utility, customized and organized to help interact with ElasticSearch.


Copy the default ElasticSearchIndex configuration into your app and edit it to suit your setup.

cp app/Plugin/Icing/Config/elastic_search_request.php.default app/Config/elastic_search_request.php

Note that there's a default config and a test config which will override the default config... But only if your tests set the following Configure variable:

Configure::write('inUnitTest', true);


App::uses('ElasticSearchRequest', 'Icing.Lib');
$this->ESR = new ElasticSearchRequest(array('index' => 'myindex', 'table' => 'mytable'));
$records = $this->ESR->search('query string');
$rawResponse = $this->ESR->search('query string', array(), true);
// -------------
$bool = $this->ESR->createIndex('mynewindex');
$mapping = array(
  "test_table" => array(
    "properties" => array(
      "model" => array(
        "type" => "string",
        "store" => "yes",
      "association_key" => array(
        "type" => "string",
        "store" => "yes",
      "data" => array(
        "type" => "string",
        "store" => "yes",
$bool = $this->ESR->createMapping($mapping);
$data = array(
  "model" => "MyExample",
  "association_key" => "12345",
  "data" => "here is some raw text data, great to search against",
$elastic_search_id = $this->ESR->createRecord($data);
$data = $this->ESR->getRecord($elastic_search_id);
$elastic_search_id = $this->ESR->updateRecord($elastic_search_id, $data);
$bool = $this->ESR->deleteRecord($elastic_search_id);
$bool = $this->ESR->deleteIndex('mynewindex');
$mapping = $this->ESR->getMapping();


This is a wildly useful Shell. Basically it's just easy access to all your Model's methods.

./cake Icing.do <ModelName> <method> [param1, param2, ...]

So if your Post Model had a method called cleanupAllPostsForUser($userId) you could run that from CLI with:

./cake Icing.do Post cleanupAllPostsForUser 99

This has the ability to access all direct and inherited methods, so you can use delete to delete the record 123, or deleteAll for all records:

./cake Icing.do Post delete 123
./cake Icing.do Post deleteAll 1

Or you can even attempt to save records passing in JSON data:

./cake Icing.do -j Post save '{title:"my cli post",body:"this is from the CLI"}'

  • You can pass in a -p <PluginName> param to load a model from a Plugin.
  • You can pass in a -b <BehaviorName> param to automatically load a Behavior on the Model, if not already loaded
  • You can pass in a -f param to force the method, even if the Model doesn't see it as a method/function... (useful for stored procedures)
  • You can pass in a -j param telling the method that your arguments are in JSON format


Attempts to intelligently update your fixtures to

  • force it to use Icing.AppTestFixture
  • update the $fields to always match the current database schema (doesn't touch records, or any other config)
  • run Icing.PhpTidy against the fixutre, to correct formatting

Bonus: it will also verify all fixtures can be found in the database table


./cake Icing.FixtureUpdate
./cake Icing.FixtureUpdate help
./cake Icing.FixtureUpdate --plugin MyPlugin --connection my_connection