
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Oma LookBook

A site for grandma to collect pictures of the grandkids

General Requirements: All Project Types

  • This project cannot be part of a lab or assignment we've already done in class.
  • This project is group by default (no more than 4 people per group), but can be done individually if approved by instructor.
  • This project should feature user authentication (i.e., secure logins and passwords).
  • Effort must be spent on styling, appearance, and user experience.
  • This app must be tracked in GitHub, with a minimum of 25 commits.
    • Ideally, put your empty project up on GitHub on day one of development, and aim for multiple commits per day.
  • This app must be deployed somewhere.
  • The app should have a README.md file including what is referenced below in the application requirements.

Application Requirements

  • back-end uses Express (Node).
  • front-end uses React
  • app has a database with two tables (SQL).
  • Your database must support at least one type of database relationship between tables/collections.
    • This can be embedded or relational data in Mongo (An embedded collection will qualify as your second collection).
    • This can be a 1:M (one-to-many) or N:M (many-to-many) relationship between SQL tables.
  • app uses an ORM or ODM to interact with your database (e.g., Sequelize, PyMongo, SQLAlchemy, TypeORM, Mongoose).
  • This app must run in a web browser.
  • website should be responsive to screen size changes.
    • This means that your website should be viewable and usable on a mobile device or tablet via an internet browser. Text shouldn't be super tiny and layouts shouldn't exceed the screen size on smaller screens.
  • app has a README.md file including the following:
    • Describes the inspiration for the application.
    • Describes how to use the application.
    • Lists the technologies used to build the application.
    • Addresses any outstanding bugs or unfinished functionality.

Bonus Ideas

  • Use SASS for styling.
  • Create your project using TypeScript.
  • Use CircleCI for continuous integration.
  • Use at least one library, package, or technology that we haven't covered.