
🔖 Docker image for all of my devcontainers for Codespaces and Gitpod

Primary LanguageDockerfile

🔖 Development Container Images

Docker image for all of my devcontainers for Codespaces and Gitpod

What is this repository?

This repository holds all my dev containers for Gitpod and Codespaces so I don't have to repeat code.

Sweet! How do I use?


Under .devcontainer/Dockerfile you can use the prebuilt image:

FROM auguwu/devcontainers:latest

# Install stuff here


Add the image auguwu/devcontainers:gitpod-latest in your .gitpod.yml file:

image: auguwu/devcontainers:latest

Why Arch Linux as the base?

for the memes mainly lol.


devcontainer-images does not contain a LICENSE due to it, so you can use the code from the images if you wish without any credits!