
🔍 Type-safe and Kotlin Coroutine-based client for Meilisearch

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

🔍 Meilisearch for Kotlin

Type-safe and Kotlin Coroutine-based client for Meilisearch

Meilisearch for Kotlin is a Meilisearch client for Kotlin developers to take advantage of the Kotlin libraries like kotlinx-coroutines and more.

This is a work in progress, the library currently doesn't support the Settings API, Health API, Keys API, or Stats API


It sounded like fun, so why not? If any Meilisearch developer or team wants to take care of this project, you can contact me via Email (cutie@floofy.dev) and if I don't have enough time to maintain it, and it can become an official library.

The library was also built to defunct the official Java library, so it can support the Kotlin libraries us Kotlin developers use and love today.


You can receive the current release via GitHub Releases!

Gradle (Groovy)

repositories {
    maven 'https://maven.floofy.dev/repo/releases'

dependencies {
    implementation 'dev.floofy.meilisearch:rest-client:<VERSION>'

Gradle (Kotlin)

repositories {

dependencies {


Meilisearch for Kotlin is released under the MIT License by Noel.