Inferring disease-related microRNAs via PMDASNF

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Inferring disease-related microRNAs via PMDASNF

How to use the tool?

Just run 'PredSNFMDA_tool.m' to produce the result.

Data set:

disease_semantic_s1.mat : disease semantic similarity 1(383×383)

disease_semantic_s2.mat : disease semantic similarity 2(383×383)

miRNA_function_s.mat :microRNA functional similarity(495×495)

interaction.mat:microRNA-disease associations matrix(383×495)

disease number.xlsx : ID of all diseases

miRNA number.xlsx : ID of all microRNAs


PredSNFMDA_tool.m:main interface for running the program

gaussiansimilarity.m:calculate Gaussian interaction profile kernel similarity for microRNA and disease

SNF.m:fusion of multiple biological information networks

NCPMDA.m:calculate microRNA and disease space projection socres

Rank.m:sorting disease-related microRNAs scores

Write_file.m:write results to excel

Operating environment:

software:matlab 2016a or later

processor:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1630 v4 @3.70GHz

recommended memory:8G