
Augustas Macijauskas solution for Backpaqr internship task.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Setting up

What things you need to install the software and how to install them

First you have to copy project files. Then open console and navigate to /api-server and run:

bundle install

Then you need to insert your database user. Open /config/database.yml and under default enter your postgresql username and password:

default: &default
  # some code
  username: your_username
  password: your_password
  # some code

Return to console and run the following commands:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

Finally, run:

rails s

You should now have a backend server up and running on port 3000.

To set up the frontend, navigate to /client/app and open a console window. If you are using npm, run:

npm install

Or, if you are using yarn, run:

yarn install

Now, insert your google api key at /client/app/app/constants/googleApi.js:

export default {
    KEY: 'insert_your_key_here',

Then run:

npm run start

You should now have a frontend server up and running on port 8080.

Built With


react - library to build frontend applications

redux, redux-thunk - used for global store management, creating actions and reducers and connecting with components

react-router - used to implement navigation functionality

material-ui - a collection of beautiful responsive components to build applications

axios - used to fetch data by making requests to the backend server

google-maps-react - a google maps library easing work with maps

i18next, react-i18next - both used for adding translation functionality to the website

moment - used to manipulate dates

prop-types - used to tell the application what variables are of what type, which is helpful to prevent bugs

styled-components - useful library to style components


pg - postgres database is used

faker - used for generating fake data to seed the database

geocoder - used for generating fake data to seed the database

random-location - used for generating locations to seed the database
