
Testing 1820 basic inputs for 42's Fillit project.

Primary LanguageC


The fillit project is the first mandatory group project from the 42 curriculum. Fillit1820 is a unit test: there are only 1820 possible arrangements of 4 block characters ('#') and 12 empty characters ('.') in a 4x4 square to form a tetrimino, and 113 valid solutions. We can test them all using a systematic approach.

Useful links

How to use

git clone https://github.com/AugustinLopez/Fillit1820.git
cd Fillit1820
./Fillit1820 ~/path/to/your/fillit/executable
  • Fillit1820 expect a valid path to your fillit executable. Other argument will result in an undefined behavior.
  • Fillit1820 uses several files from the /assets directory. The program will not work properly without them.
  • Fillit1820 has no tolerance for syntax errors: your fillit program should find 113 valid solutions and return 'error' in every other cases.
  • You may find additional ressources in the /otherTest directory. Note that those files are not used by Fillit1820: they must be tested manually.


./Fillit1820 ~/Not_working/fillit
Error / the piece is:

And your result is:

./Fillit1820 ~/Working/fillit
Congratulations, your fillit works with basic inputs!


This program was created early in my curriculum. It is a bit wonky (a simple bash script would probably do the job better) but it works just fine.