
A new Flutter plugin for timer button.

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

Timer Button

License: MIT

A new Flutter package for timer button which will be enabled after specified time.


A Button which will be enabled after specified time.

Let's get started

  1. Go to pubspec.yaml
  2. add a ns_utils and replace [version] with the latest version:
    sdk: flutter
  timer_button: ^[version]
  1. click the packages get button or flutter pub get

Import the package

import 'package:timer_button/timer_button.dart';


Set ButtonType for Button. There are 3 Type of button :

  • RaisedButton buttonType: ButtonType.RaisedButton (default)
  • FlatButton buttonType: ButtonType.FlatButton
  • OutlineButton buttonType: ButtonType.OutlineButton
  • ElevatedButton buttonType: ButtonType.ElevatedButton
  • TextButton buttonType: ButtonType.TextButton
  • OutlinedButton buttonType: ButtonType.OutlinedButton

Set text/label label: "Try Again"

Set timeout in seconds timeOutInSeconds: 20

Set color color: Colors.deepPurple

Set disabled color disabledColor: Colors.red


                new TimerButton(
                  label: "Send OTP Again",
                  timeOutInSeconds: 20,
                  onPressed: () {},
                  disabledColor: Colors.red,
                  color: Colors.deepPurple,
                  disabledTextStyle: new TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0),
                  activeTextStyle: new TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0, color: Colors.white),

For issues and source code


There are couple of ways in which you can contribute.

  • Propose any feature, enhancement
  • Report a bug
  • Fix a bug
  • Participate in a discussion and help in decision making
  • Write and improve some documentation. Documentation is super critical and its importance cannot be overstated!
  • Send in a Pull Request :-)