
This repository contains practical implementation of image processing using python in google colab

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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This repository contains practical implementation of image processing using python in google colab.


  1. Intro to colab and DIP
  2. Channel Separation
  3. Histogram of separated channel
  4. Image inversion
  5. Image segmentation using Threshold
  6. Generating Histogram manually
  7. Histogram Equalization using PDF & CDF
  8. Image Compression Technique- DCT(Discrete Cosine Transformation)
  9. Run Length Encoding(RLE), Decoding
  10. Simple Lossy JPEG Compression
  11. JPEG Decoding
  12. Lossless JPEG Compression- Prediction Based
  13. Temporal Image Compression
  14. LOCO-I Image Compression
  15. Bits Per Pixel of an Image
  16. Entropy of an Image
  17. Image Segmentation: Edge Detection
  18. Gradient Operators: Prewitt, Sobel
  19. Compass Operators
  20. Laplacian Operator & Laplacian of Gaussian Operator(LoG) with & without Zero Crossing
  21. Canny Edge Detector
  22. Region Growing Algorithm

AS lab

  1. Morphological operations: Erosion, Dilation
  2. Wavelet Transformation