Forked from Col-E/CClicker because (like he mentioned in pom.xml) it wasn't working with Java 9+. This fork removes the agent package which seems to have been responsible for the injecting into other JVM processes. Because of that it should be compatible with Java 9+ now. However, not all references to the agent code have been removed, so there's some unnecessary stuff left still. Also fixed a small bug which made it always show the default settings instead of the loaded ones.
NOW HARDCODED VALUES -> see because it kept breaking
Build a jar with mvn clean compile assembly:single
or take it from the releases section.
A nice way to test the clicker is Riimu's Clicking Speed Test because it also shows the randomness.
CClicker is a simple auto-clicker made using JNA and Apache's Math library.
- Hideable window
- Can be injected into other JVM processes
- Normal-distribution based randomization
- Record your own clicking statistics and simulate it
- All settings accessible via GUI
- Translatable GUI text using txt files