Ninja HR

HR or Management System Project

What Features include in this project

  • Employee management system
  • Employee login with fingerprint
  • Employee role and permission
  • Attendance system with pincode and QR Scan
  • Payroll (salary) management system by employee attendance
  • Project management system
  • Sortable project's tasks
  • Employee attendance pdf export
  • ....

What plug-in and package use in this project

  • Jquery Datatable (Serverside rendering)
  • Laravel spatie permission
  • Larapass (fingerprint)
  • Select2
  • Sweet alert1
  • Sweet alert2
  • Laravel Jsvalidation
  • Daterangepicker
  • Javascript image viewer
  • SortableJS
  • Datatable pdf export
  • Mpdf export

Build With

  • Laravel (Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework.This framework is what i mainly use in this project)
  • Html, Css, Javascript, PHP, Mysql, Laravel, Jquery, Ajax and Bootstrap


  • Clone this repo
  • database setup
  DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password // if no password ,u can leave as blank
  • Run commands
  composer update
  npm install
  php artisan migrate 
  php artisan db:seed --class=CompanySettingSeeder
  php artisan db:seed --class=DataEntrySeeder
  php artisan storage:link
  • Now u can test this project by run this command.
  php artisan serve
  • phone => 09123456789
  • password => 123456