
Super project of the dead for information retrieval

Primary LanguageScala

Information Retrieval Project 1 Group 11

Michael Merki, Julien Romero, Markus Greiner

November 14, 2016


Provided is the zip file project1_group11.zip. Unzip it:

$ unzip project1_group11.zip

This creates the directory project1_group11, which contains:

  • the sources under src
  • tinyir.jar as part of lib
  • build.sbt
  • the directory labelingtestdocs which contains the three resulting test results.
  • and this README.md file.

Note: We had continuing conflicts between the tinyir and the breeze libraries. This is why we decided to build tinyir for Scala 2.11.5 and provide it as jar.


To run:

$ cd project1
$ sbt "run-main Main <path-to-data-folder>"

The <path-to-data-folder> must contain the directories train, test, and validation.

It is also possible to give options to influence the iterations and learning rates of the linear regression classifier. These options are called:

  • ITERATION=<nof-iterations-integer>
  • LEARNING=<learning-rate-double>

It can be run like this:

$ sbt "run-main <path-to-data-folder> ITERATION=10000 LEARNING=0.001 SKIP=BAYES,SVM"


Upon running the program, it will

  • Naive Bayes Classifier: train and generate list of tested documents and their codes
  • Logistic Regression Classifier: train and generate the list
  • SVM: train and generate the list.

The result files are called ir-project-2016-1-11-[nb|lr|lsvm].txt and they are located under labelingtestdocs

The project report is under ir-2016-1-report-11.pdf