Primary LanguageJavaScript

Continuous Integration [CircleCI]

Implementation of a bowling score card.

Reference for Unit Testing lab for FSE Fall 2015 at CMU-SV.

Updated for CircleCI Integration for FSE Spring 2018 at CMU-SV.

Updated for CI/CD recitation for FSE Spring 2019 at CMU-SV.


  1. Install needed tools using: npm install -g grunt-cli mocha istanbul
  2. Install needed dependencies using: npm install

Tests results

  • grunt test

Coverage results

  • Option 1

  • grunt coverage

  • Option 2

  • nyc grunt test

  • The results with be in coverage/lcov-report/index.html Alt text

CircleCI integration

  • Link your account with CircleCI by following "Getting Started with CircleCI".

  • After the account is linked, when you push changes to the repo CircleCI will run your tests and code coverage.

  • You can see the results under Test Summary and Artifacts > Coverage.

Test Summary

Alt text

Artifacts > Coverage

Alt text