Make a player class that can show a sprite on screen-
sprite is a new Image() type in the object of class Player
Create 8-directional movement-
Prefferably with normalized diagonal movement
Reoptimize movement with options found online (arrays/objects to check multiple keysdown) -
Fix issues with canvas clearing outside original canvas -
Add camera zoom features ("for bigger displays") 🥫
Limit the canvas zoom 🥫
Create "inventory" system (wood, rock, gold) 🥫
- Just a number showing the amount of different equipment
Generate trees and rocks for materials 🥫
Create tools to get wood and rocks 🥫
Make enemies🟥 -
Make UI 🟥
Health - Inventory
Username - Score/level 🟨
Make Melee and Ranged Weapons 🟥
- Bought at a merchant with gold generated by a building during the night
Create placable buildings 🥫
Enemies attack buildings (not player)🥫 -
Buildings are upgradable/sellable 🥫
Day/Night cycle 🥫
Difficulty slider 🟧 (difficulty increases in time ?)
- Make the game easier/harder
- Leaderboard for hardest difficulty
Automatic Harvesters 🥫
- Auto Collects Resource like wood or rock for money
🥫 no longer intended for inital release
🟥 urgnet
🟧 Important
🟨 Not Required
I decided to cut some stuff out because i am running out of time with the 🥫 tag. But I might still add that after due date has passed.