Web Development Learning Repository

This repository is a collection of my personal projects and exercises as I learn web development. I've been focusing on both frontend and backend technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, EJS, Node.js, and Express.js.


This repository serves as a playground for me to experiment with different concepts, techniques, and frameworks in web development. I've organized my projects and exercises into separate directories to keep things organized.

Getting Started

Since this is a personal learning repository, there's no need to set up anything specific. Simply explore the directories and files to see the projects and exercises I've been working on. Feel free to browse the code, make changes, and experiment on your own!

Directory Structure

  • Personal projects: Contains larger projects or applications that I've built while learning web development.
  • Practice Projects: Contains smaller exercises and code snippets that focus on specific topics or concepts.


As this is a personal learning repository, contributions are not expected. However, if you have any suggestions, feedback, or corrections, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This repository is open-source under the MIT License. You are free to use the code for your own learning purposes.


I'd like to thank the online tutorials, documentation, and communities that have helped me learn and progress in my web development journey. Special thanks to [insert specific resources or individuals if applicable].