operations, register communication and timing of processes

Primary LanguageVHDL


operations, register communication and timing of processes

  • One line comments start with // and end at the end of the line

  • Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */ -- C-style

  • Systems are described as a set of modules

  • Variable names have to start with an alphabetic character or underscore followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters. System tasks and functions start with a $ sign.

  • Integer Literals and logic values can be sized and unsized, be single literals or have underscores embedded in them for improved readability. For example

..* '0 : Set all bits to 0

..* '1: Set all bits to 1

..* 'X or `x : Set all bits to x

..* 2'b1Z //binary literal

..* 24_000 //decimal literal

  • Two types of signal:

– “Wire” is a simple connection between two components • Should have just one driver • no persistence – “Reg” stores its value until updated again

Data Types:

  • wire and_gate_output; // "and_gate_output" is a wire that only outputs ..* reg d_flip_flop_output; // "d_flip_flop_output" is a register, stores and outputs a value ..* reg [7:0] address_bus; // "address_bus" is a little-endian 8-bit register

..* ‘~’ operator negates the input . ..* ‘&’ operator ANDs two inputs , ..* ‘|’ operator ORs two inputs, while ‘^’ operator performs a logical XOR on two inputs.

Logic is specified either as structural (combinational) or behavioral (sequential). It is contained within modules. External interface: declared set of inputs, outputs, and “inout”s Internal contents: wires, registers, logic, and/or submodules

To keep the hierarchy clean, put logic, registers, etc in " leaf" modules, put connecting wires and submodules in non-leaf modules, don't mix structural and behavioral code

A gate is a module used to construct circuits. It has a few transistors connected to perform some logic function. A transistor is a 3-terminal device. It has a source (power), drain (output) and gate (input).

Six different types of gates:

7400 - NAND (four gates per chip)

7402 - NOR (four gates per chip)

7404 - NOT (six gates per chip)

7408 - AND (four gates per chip)

7432 - OR (four gates per chip)

7486 - XOR (four gates per chip)

Verilog is weird

Verilog Debugging

$display – like printf in C – $display($time, " Count changed to %d", count); • $monitor – watch for any changes to the value of a net – $monitor($time, “Count is now %d”, count); • $dumpfile and $dumpvars – dump all signal values to a file for later viewing – $dumpfile(“output.log”) – $dumpvars(0, top_level_module)



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