
Dotfiles meant to be used in Z shell with a set of other tools.

Primary LanguagePython


Dotfiles meant to be used in Z shell with oh-my-zsh and powerlevel10k theme.

For installation on a fresh local machine, you should start the process for your OS in one of my texts.

For installation on a remote machine and as the last step on the fresh local machine, you should use/reproduce the following in your home directory:

curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Auratons/2db1bd338f79bc0e7edc26ee2cf07d48/raw/a5594edc38c2259254d7c51b2db07bcf8af1e53e/dotfiles-install.sh | /bin/bash

This repository was created by following a great article https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles, for interaction with the local repository you must use, instead of 'git', alias called 'dotcfg' (take a look into .zshrc).

Credits also go to Alexey Samoshkin from whose repository tmux-config I greatly inspired for my tmux configuration. A broader discussion is carried out in a series of articles at Tmux in Practise series. My changes to his key bindings are: the prefix is C-s, the status bar visibility is switched with <prefix> C-a, horizontal pane split is performed <prefix> - and zooming is binded to the default <prefix> z.

Dotfiles were tested with vim 8.0, tmux 3.1, zsh must be enabled in /etc/shells (to be able to chsh to it) and it must be of version 5.1 and higher. On a remote server without sudo rights, zsh is out of reach without contacting support. Other dependencies can be installed with Brew in user space, adding a line to zshrc. An example, how to do this for tmux on a Linux machine is below. On MacOS, the installation of brew is simpler (see brew.sh).

Note: Installation of a specific version of a tool other than tmux should be also simpler with <package>@<version> brew install syntax. Before a bugfix, tmux must had been of version <3.0, so for reference, I leave the procedure below (or brew edit tmux could help).

# Install Homebrew on Linux
git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/brew ~/.homebrew
eval $(~/.homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)  # Add this also to zshrc

brew tap homebrew/homebrew-core
cd "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"
git log master -- Formula/tmux.rb
gce b3bd700d9 # <commit_sha> of commit with tmux 2.8
cp Formula/tmux.rb <local>
gce -
cp <local> Formula/tmux.rb
brew install tmux
brew pin tmux
brew list --pinned

Old systems procedure

Sources are

mkdir ~/tools ~/usr
# Checkout suitable tags
git clone https://github.com/git/git.git ~/tools/git
git clone https://github.com/curl/curl.git ~/tools/curl

export PREFIX="${HOME}/usr"
export PATH="${PREFIX}/bin:${PATH}"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
export MANPATH="${PREFIX}/share/man:${MANPATH}"
export INFOPATH="${PREFIX}/share/info:${INFOPATH}"
cd ~/tools/git
autoconf && ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" && make -j12 && make install && make man && make install-man

cd ~/tools/curl
autoreconf -fi && ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --with-openssl && make -j12 && make install

git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/brew ~/.homebrew
mkdir -p ~/.homebrew/opt/git/bin ~/.homebrew/opt/curl/bin
ln -s ~/usr/bin/git* ~/.homebrew/opt/git/bin
ln -s ~/usr/bin/curl* ~/.homebrew/opt/curl/bin
eval $(~/.homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)  # Add this also to zshrc
brew update
brew install tmux vim

cd ~/tools
wget https://github.com/ogham/exa/releases/download/v0.10.1/exa-linux-x86_64-musl-v0.10.1.zip
mkdir exa
unzip exa-linux-x86_64-musl-v0.10.1.zip -d exa/
alias tmux='${HOME}/.homebrew/bin/tmux'  # Add this also to the beginning of zshrc
alias exa='${HOME}/tools/exa/bin/exa'  # Add this also to the beginning of zshrc