Group members:
- Aurélie Bayre
- Arnaud Gadroy
- Max Gallois
- Thibaud Royer
A platform designed for entertainment and team building.
Share your best playlists with your team/coworkers, vote for the playlists you like, and enjoy stardom status when your playlist is chosen as best playlist of the week!
- clone this repo.
- In your terminal:
$ npm install
- install commitizen globally and use it to format your commit. (Please note that commitizen is already saved in the package.json so it will already be installed locally.)
- Please follow these instructions to set commitizen to use the cz-conventional-changelog.
- The first time you work on a branch:
git checkout -b <userstory>
After that, justgit checkout <userstory>
When creating a branch, make sure you know the names of the branches to use. Check with your team! - ```git pull origin `` to retrieve any change from that branch.
- Make your modifications
- Add them, and then commit them with:
git cz