
Group members:

  • AurĂ©lie Bayre
  • Arnaud Gadroy
  • Max Gallois
  • Thibaud Royer


A platform designed for entertainment and team building.

Share your best playlists with your team/coworkers, vote for the playlists you like, and enjoy stardom status when your playlist is chosen as best playlist of the week!


  1. clone this repo.
  2. In your terminal: $ npm install
  3. install commitizen globally and use it to format your commit. (Please note that commitizen is already saved in the package.json so it will already be installed locally.)
  4. Please follow these instructions to set commitizen to use the cz-conventional-changelog.
  5. The first time you work on a branch: git checkout -b <userstory> After that, just git checkout <userstory> When creating a branch, make sure you know the names of the branches to use. Check with your team!
  6. ```git pull origin `` to retrieve any change from that branch.
  7. Make your modifications
  8. Add them, and then commit them with: git cz