
Implementation of Symfony Encore on Symfony Project

Primary LanguageCSS

enter image description here

Demo of Symfony Encore on Symfony Framework

Implementation of JS/ES6 with SASS built in Webpack**

Directory of your assets in /assets with:

-- assets/css -- assets/js -- assets/img -- assets/font

To install

npm init
npm i --save  @symfony/webpack-encore 

To add SASS loader in webpack
npm i --dev sass-loader node-sass

To run

Compile asset once
 ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev

Recompile assets automatocally when file changes
 ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev --watch

Compile & Optimize your assets for production
 ./node_modules/.bin/encore production
 Bonus: To use HMR on Webpack Server, just:
 ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev-server

To configure

In this here:

A Symfony project created on June 16, 2017, 8:00 am.