
LeetCode Is Precious deposits

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LeetCode Is Precious deposits

A group of Bupt coders, Coding every day!!

  • The overall plan is as follows:

    • One day a question
    • In units of weeks, where the ratio of easy, medium, hard is 3: 2: 2
    • 8 o'clock every morning to publish the question, at 11 pm given the best submission today
  • Title type order:

    • The first stage:array、string、tree、linkedlist、math
    • The second stage:HashTable、SortTopological Sort、Graph、Trie、MiniMax、Stack、Queue
    • The third stage:Binary Search、Two Pointers、Heap、Binary Search Tree、Binary Indexed Tree、Recursion、Greedy、Union Find、Map
    • The fourth stage:Depth-first Search、Breadth-first Search、Design、Backtracking、Dynamic Programming、Divide and Conquer、Segment Tree、Reservior sampling、Geometry、Memoization、Bit Manipulation

First Week (array)

Second Week (array)

Third Week (string)

Forth Week (string)

Fifth Week (tree)

Sixth Week (tree)

Seventh Week (hashtable)

Eighth Week(hashtale)