
Repository for BolsaFamilia data exploration material started on Data for Democracy Hackathon in Chicago (03/31 & 04/01 - 2017)


Repository for Bolsa Familia data exploration material started on Data for Democracy Hackathon in Chicago (03/31/2017 and 04/01/2017). The Brazilian Presidential Elections is a two-round process. The TOP2 candidates from the 1st round dispute a 2nd round. During the 2nd round the parties make alliances around the TOP2 candidates and the most voted is elected. The 2014 Brazilian Elections were very polarized. On one side the alliances in favor of the continuity of the Workers' Party (a.k.a. PT = Partido dos Trabalhadores) "regime".The PT was founded in the early 1980s during the Brazilian military ************ that started in 1964 and ended in 1985. The party was founded by union leaders and intellectuals to make opposition to the regime and experienced a fast growth during the 1990s making opposition to the then democratically elected governments at the Federal, States and Municipality levels. After a couple of decades its main leader, Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva, was elected president of Brazil for the first time in 2002. Lula was re-elected in 2006 and, given that the Brazilian Constitution allows up to two consecutive terms for the presidents, Dilma Rousseff was the selected PT party member to succeed Lula. Dilma was elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. This study was proposed during the 2017 Data for Democracy Hackathon in Chicago (USA) that happened between 03/31 and 04/01. The project was named BolsaFamiliaExplore and its objective was to analyze the use of the Bolsa Familia welfare program on the 2nd round of the 2014 Brazilian Presidential elections. The main hypothesis raised was that the Brazilian Federal government took advantage of the welfare program to conquer votes in the poorest regions of Brazil. This repository contains data summarized from the Bolsa Familia payroll data available at the portal (http://www.portaldatransparencia.gov.br/downloads/mensal.asp?c=BolsaFamiliaFolhaPagamento) that includes the monthly payments made to each family head, the total amount paid, and their location at the municipality level. The 2014 payments sum up to 159,727,825 rows based on the payments made between January and December 2014. In addition we collected data from the 2014 Presidential Elections results at the municipality level from the TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) the Brazilian elections authority as well as information on the estimated Brazilian population from the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica), the Brazilian census. The code and results included in this repository were used to collect, clean/prepare, and analyze these data. The conclusions are presented at the D4D_BolsaFamiliaExplore_Report_Final.pdf report also attached.