
This app allows the user in seclusion during the covid pandemic to socialize with friends while staying safe at home. The user can organize an online cocktail party and stay socially connected with friends. Searching for a favorite cocktail by ingredient will bring up recipes containing that ingredient.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


User Story

As a social butterfly stuck inside due to Covid,

I want an easy way to host a video cocktail party,

So that I can have fun with my friends and family while keeping everyone safe.

Table of Contents


npm mysql / npm bcryptjs / npm express / npm express-handlebars / npm nodemon / npm session / npm dotenv / npm sequelize


User will need to register and login, they can then search for cocktials, save cocktails, and create an invitation for a virtual cocktail party with a chosen cocktail.


TheCocktailDB.com API


GitHub license


/ Aurora Brune -HTML and API Routes -Github Merge & Heroku Management

/ Julie Schaub -Database and Models -Scrum Manager

/ Anthony Stematz-Breitling -Handlebars -CSS Style Polish

/ Charlene Peters -Authentication -Login & Register Routes and Forms




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© 2020 Aurora Brune🏆