
A web tool designed to help individuals practice and improve their IELTS speaking skills by generating questions, listening to users, and providing valuable suggestions for enhancement.

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IELTS Speaking Practice Tool

This tool is designed to assist individuals in practicing and enhancing their IELTS speaking skills. It prompts the user with a question, listens to their response, and provides suggestions for improvement.

Demo Link: (Chrome or Safari is preferred)



  • Question Generator: Provides users with IELTS-style speaking questions to prompt a response.
  • Speech Analysis: Analyzes the user's speech and provides feedback.
  • Improvement Suggestions: Offers corrections and modifications to the user's response.
  • Reference Answers: Generates a reference answer for the same question to guide users.
  • Next Question Recommendation: Recommends a related question to continue the conversation.

How it Works

The frontend provides an interface for users to interact with, capturing their speech and displaying feedback. The backend, powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 model, analyzes the user's response, provides suggestions, and generates reference answers and questions.

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