- Anemone95AarhusUni
- anitsh@krispcall
- botwithfeelings
- chubbymaggie
- Ducky97
- ekincanufuktepeUniversity of Missouri - Columbia
- ENM1989
- flybossShanghai Jiao Tong University
- fpb1386
- gcheoyh
- gunesacar@radbouduniversity
- happypwn1337
- inggritpurba
- jallen89Georgia Tech
- jloehel@inlyse GmbH
- JulienOuryNogues
- kokimame
- Lioo7Ariel University
- NoyKad
- olibreParis
- ourren
- pengchantJiangsu University of Science & Technology
- RogueGuardian
- SamuelRen
- secstar
- SmallFunyu
- Tengfei1010BUPT & PSU
- therahulkanyal
- tjwsoup
- wangxinxin98
- xsser
- yihan0512
- YiZoey
- ZeddYuHongKong
- zer0yuSingapore
- zxc67373