
A Docker container to build Tuleap

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker demo image for Tuleap

More info about Tuleap on tuleap.org

This image is provided for demo & tests purpose. It's not meant for production.

How to use it

To create a new container

docker run --name tuleap-aio enalean/tuleap-aio:centos7

Get it's IP address

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' tuleap-aio

Set this ip address for tuleap.local in your /etc/hosts

And open your browser to https://tuleap.local and accept the self-signed certificate.

You can log in with admin user and the site admin password you can find with

docker exec tuleap-aio cat /root/.tuleap_passwd


Mysql Password

The default setup comes with a lame password, you can override it with env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

Persistant data

You can persist data with a data container set to /data. eg:

docker run --name tuleap-aio -v demo-data:/data enalean/tuleap-aio:centos7

Migration from centos6 image

If you had data on a centos6 based image you cannot run the centos7 image with those data. It might be possible to do the migration but as it's a demo image, it shouldn't be necessary.


All the init sequence is now managed inside Tuleap sources, for developers that want to work on it they should mount the sources like (from within Tuleap sources):

docker run -ti --name tuleap-aio -v $PWD:/usr/share/tuleap enalean/tuleap-aio:centos7